Eco-neighbourhood and park
Situated in the foothills of the Vercors mountains and the wooded hill of Comboire, the park at the heart of this urban design project is an important sanctuary of local biodiversity. The different areas of the park have vastly contrasting atmospheres, plantations and materiality (e.g. wet and dry areas). The formal layout of the park, with its organic paths and contours, dilutes the effect of borders and provides a consistent overall image.
The depressions formed by the circular “lenses” form the basis of the system designed to manage and optimise water. The natural water table is just below the surface, with ground at the bottom of the valley is in parts saturated with water, and light digging is enough for the large circles to become permanent or semi-permanent ponds, revealing the aquatic element hidden just a few centimetres below the surface.
The ponds transform into water retention systems in the case of exceptional rainfall. The “lenses” are also conducive to the development of a wetland ecosystem. Without the need for planned planting, pond-specific flora – then fauna – naturally appear.
Territoire 38
Eco-neighbourhood of 550 dwellings including a 6-hectare park
Comprehensive masterplanning of public spaces (park and access routes), landscaping, roads & utilities, and hydrology. Overall coordination.
Seyssins (38)
Design team
PRANLAS DESCOURS (lead designer: architect-urban planner) // CATHERINE MOSBACH (concept landscape design) // ATELIER LD (VRD, hydrology, detailed landscape design / project delivery)
Year: 2009 – ongoing // Area: 6 hectares // Cost of works: €5.2M excluding taxes