Atelier LD, urbanisme, paysage, ingénierie, VRD, gestion des eaux pluviales, hydraulique, projets urbains, éco-quartiers, rénovation urbaine, extension de ville, Didier Larue, Julio Da Silva, urban planning, water management, sustainable development, public spaces, natural systems, flood management
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The Atelier LD team designs and manages

innovative land and urban development schemes

from initial design phase to implementation. Adapted to the changing nature of urban and natural landscapes, we create beautiful projects, at reasonable cost.

Across the globe, changing environments are confronted by multiple challenges, caused primarily by the rapid increase in urbanisation and the consequent huge decrease in natural resources.

In response to these challenges, we adopt a holistic, context-driven and pragmatic approach for each of our projects. A look at the wider picture ensures the long-term sustainability of our projects, and a foundation for their excellent technical and financial management. We strongly believe that technology is here to support and protect natural environments, rather than replace them. As such, we apply innovative engineering combined with nature-based solutions.


One of our strengths is our ability to intervene at every stage of a project.



Consultancy and feasibility studies of the technical and financial aspects of a project, conducted from a global perspective of urban planning and landscape design.


Urban project management – from concept to the technical design.


Site management right up to project handover.


Our work at Atelier LD is defined by our multi-disciplinarity. At every stage we connect the different skills that shape an urban project, bringing together urban planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers and urban hydrologists to create innovative solutions.

This cross-functionality makes us highly efficient in developing quality projects that are sustainable, innovative and cost-effective. It also gives us the capacity to work on all types of urban project, and respond to the most complex challenges.

Cities for everyone

designing spaces for living well

As urban designers we have an important social responsibility. We help to adapt the city, the landscape and public spaces to the user and their needs, taking into account constant and increasingly rapid changes to our way of life.

What guides us is a combination of key urban planning principles: accessibility, adaptability, diversity and sustainability. By applying these principles throughout our projects, we create places that are pleasant to live in. For everyone.

Rather than imposing a certain urban environment, we develop paths and connections between places and neighbourhoods – both existing and new (created?) – designed to encourage social interaction between all the users of a site. We design spaces for living, working, laughing, crying, experimenting, running, , meeting up… and relaxing.


Project economics

a global approach to budget management

Managing a project’s budget is one of Atelier LD’s strengths, and a key element of our global approach. Defining clear costings is a first step to achieving a financially viable project. Continuous coordination between the designer and the cost professional is essential, helping to design bespoke solutions for each project. We thus provide a response entirely adapted to the design brief, and within the client’s budget.

Our mission is to build quality projects that are both aesthetic, and economically viable.

Creating around water

adding value to our public spaces

More than just a resource, our water systems have shaped landscapes for thousands of years, forging the life of a region and its inhabitants. Today, rapid urbanisation has led to the sealing of large surfaces of soil. As we disturb the natural balance, so we experience increased instances of flooding and other water-related issues. This puts hydrology at the centre of urban projects – every project team at Atelier LD includes an urban hydrologist who works alongside architects, designers, landscape architects and engineers.

Since its inception Atelier LD has placed water at the heart of its projects, and is increasingly recognised for its expertise in this area.

From the initial design stages through to project delivery we systematically place emphasis on the water system and how water is channelled, working around its natural flow and using it to bring an essential added value to public spaces.

Our efforts to limit the environmental impact of urbanisation include alternative management of rainwater, e.g. by limiting impervious surfaces to encourage infiltration.
We firmly believe in the reversibility, and multi-purpose nature, of the infrastructure we design.


Nature Based Solutions

We carry out all our projects with respect for the site, and its context. In our design we consider all the natural elements: land, soil, vegetation… to build resilient cities of exceptional environmental quality, preserving our natural resources both for ourselves – and for future generations.

Throughout our projects we work to adapt every new development to the natural terrain. This helps us design projects with lower environmental impact (site-sensitive design) – and a high degree of cost efficiency.

Atelier LD also works to forge a connection between the project and its environment, whether immediate (the neighbourhood) or further away (the nearby town or surrounding countryside). The landscape framework we create thus connects with ecological corridors, encouraging the reintegration of biodiversity – even in the most urban environments.

At Atelier LD we follow a sustainable urban planning approach, aimed at building over time – and for future generations. How we optimise resources is raised early in the urban design process, to get as close as possible to a city that is both environmentally- and cost-efficient.

The climate

providing comfort, respecting nature, and limiting climate change

At Atelier LD we aim to deliver developments that have a minimal impact on the natural environment – yet provide maximum comfort to their users.

At every design stage we evaluate every opportunity to make this happen. Our projects:

• Make best use of the site’s natural assets and its resources, developing spatial patterns best adapted to the site’s topography and climatic conditions.
• Promote mixed use, walkable neighbourhoods developed around transport nodes.
• Optimise a project’s “hard” infrastructure, replacing it – where possible – with nature based solutions. We seek to create networks of green public spaces that participate actively in the reduction of heat islands – a considerable challenge in large urban centres and their surroundings.
• Use native plant species best adapted to their local soil and climate, and plant trees.
• Advocate a holistic approach to the buildings within our projects, for optimum integration of new constructions in their environment, and climate.
• Integrate natural cooling into our projects through urban and landscaping composition.

In order to provide an optimal response to a project’s requirements, and guided by recent technological developments, our team receive ongoing training on the constant changes in the energy sector.